Van Pool and Electric Golf Cart Requests


We'll help you get from A to B.

College Vehicle Fleet Policy

The College vehicle fleet (vans, shuttle bus, golf carts) is under the control and administration of the Office of Facilities Services.  The scheduling of college vehicles can be made via Astra Scheduling (accessible via MySMC).

Please note that the use of College vehicles is a privilege that is available to all members of the Campus Community to be used for college related activities and business, therefore, users are expected to abide by the following guidelines when driving vehicles on or off campus:


  • All drivers must be on the College’s Approved Driver List.  Drivers must be 18 years old with a current, valid Driver's License issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).  New drivers are required to complete an Authorization to Access Department of Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) form authorizing our insurance carrier to obtain a current Motor Vehicle Record directly from the DMV. Forms must be completed and returned to the Facilities Services Office for processing.  Students will be required to renew their status each fall term.  Staff and faculty will be renewed automatically by our insurance carrier each fall term.
  • Van reservations must now be made via Astra Scheduling.
  • Reservations for the 4-seater electric golf carts may be made at the Facilites Services office between 7:30 and 4:30 or by calling (925)631-4286.
  • Vehicle reservations are generally honored on a first-come, first-served basis.  Because these vehicles are available to all members of the community, please let us know if you are not planning to use a vehicle you have reserved.
  • Vehicle reservations should be submitted at least 36 hours in advance of use. Last minute requests may not be honored due to the lack of availability of the vehicle(s) due to prior reservations or scheduled maintenance.
  • Training is available upon request.
  • A special license is needed by the driver of any van or vehicle designed to carry more than 10 passengers, including the driver.   
  • There will be a mileage charge for use of the gasoline powered vehicles and an account number to be charged must be on the Trip Ticket when the vehicle is returned.  The current charge is 58.5 cents per mile.
  • The Vehicle Fleet vans are in high demand.  Because of this, we are instituting a no-cancellation fee charge of $50.00.  When vans are reserved and the group does not show up to use the van, it is not fair to others who requested a van and found no van available.  Therefore, unless a cancellation is made within 48 hours of a reservation, all no-shows will have the department charged a $50.00 fee. 
  • Please note that our vehicles are not equipped with FasTrak transponders.  Drivers will need to notify Facilities in advance if they anticipate crossign any toll booths. 

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Checking the Vehicle Out / Picking Up Keys:

  • Keys will be signed out to the driver only.  One driver will no longer be able to pick up keys for another driver.  The driver will sign out the keys and vehicle in person at the office and is personally responsible for the operation and safe return of the vehicle.  Keys are non-transferable from one driver to another. 
  • Keys must be picked-up during office hours so please plan accordingly.
  • Drivers will need to fill out a Trip Ticket which can be found in the vehicle or at the Facilities Services front desk.  The form must be filled out before operating the vehicle (there is pre-trip & post-trip inspection) and be completed in full at the end of the trip and returned with the keys. If the office is closed, drop these items in the mailbox behind Madigan Gym. 
  • Fuel tanks in the vans should be full upon return of the vans. Every department borrowing a van is responsible for its own gas usage and should have a credit card or cash for gas on the trip.

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Driving College-Owned Vehicles:

  • Because of insurance restrictions, vehicles are never to be driven outside the United States.
  • Drivers must follow all California and local driving laws including those pertaining to seat belts and cell phone use.
  • Drivers of College vehicles must abstain from drinking alcohol prior to or during any use of the vehicle. Use of alcohol is absolutely prohibited in College vehicles.  Use of certain prescription drugs that may cause drowsiness or may affect the driver’s ability to drive safely are also prohibited.
  • Driving in a reckless manner or over the speed limit will not be tolerated. Reports of such incidents may result in loss of vehicle use.
  • Any accidents or damage to vehicles while you are using them, no matter how slight, must be reported to a Campus Safety Officer (at the front gate) immediately upon return to the campus, and also to Administrative Services at 631-4571.  You may also be required, as the driver, to report the accident to the DMV.  See “Additional Information Related to Accidents” at end of the policy for more information.
  • Remember that when you drive an easily identifiable Saint Mary's College vehicle you are representing all members of the College Community and should drive accordingly.
  • A member of the Saint Mary's College faculty or staff member must accompany  (either in one of the College vehicles or following behind) the vehicles in use.

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Returning the Vehicle and Keys:

  • The Trip Ticket and the keys to vehicles must be returned to the Office of Facilities Services upon returning to the campus. If the office is closed, deposit the keys and Trip Ticket in the drop box behind Madigan Gym.
  • Vehicles must be parked in their appropriate stalls or charging stations.
  • Vehicles must be returned with interiors intact and debris cleaned out.  
  • A maintenance fee and/or cleaning fee of $25.00 may be assessed if vehicles are returned in poor condition, or if items such as the fire extinguisher, first aid kit, traffic triangles, or road flares are missing.
  • You are required to fill the gas tank of all rented vehicles prior to returning them. When the tanks are not full it inconveniences other users and causes our office additional research, time, and effort. There is an additional service fee of $25.00 that our office may impose in the event that the gas tank is not filled. 

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Driver License Restrictions:

A special license is needed by the driver of any van or vehicle designed to carry more than 10 passengers, including the driver.   Specifically, drivers of the Shuttle Bus (not currently available) are required to possess a Commercial Class B License, with the necessary endorsements.  A passenger endorsement must be indicated on the license (noted just under the Class indication). Restrictions to the Commercial Class B License are as follows:

  • 15 Passenger Restriction:  Any driver who has taken the pre-trip/mechanical inspection, skills test (parallel parking, side-docking, backing, and right-hand turn), and the “behind-the-wheel” tests in a 15 passenger van is restricted to this sized vehicle or smaller. The driver is not licensed to drive a 29 passenger bus.
  • 29 Passenger Restriction:  Any driver who has taken the pre-trip/mechanical inspection, skills test (parallel parking, side-docking, backing, and right-hand turn), and the “behind-the-wheel” tests in the Shuttle Bus is restricted to this sized vehicle (and smaller).  The restriction allows the driver to operate a vehicle with an automatic transmission, without air brakes, and with a gross vehicle weight less than or equal to 26,000 pounds.



Approved SMC Vehicle


Limited to vehicles without air brakes.

Met by all SMC vehicles


Limited to commercial vehicles with automatic transmission

Vans & Bus


Limited to 15 passenger van



Limited to vehicles with gross vehicle weight not more than 26,000 pounds.

Bus (and smaller vehicles)

The Office of Facilities Services and the Department of Campus Safety reserve the right to ask drivers of the Shuttle Bus to present their Commercial Driver License, from time to time.  It is against the law in the State of California to drive a vehicle designed more than 10 passengers without a Class B license.  Anyone found to be in violation of any part of the Vehicle Fleet Policy may lose privileges for the entire department, team, or organization for one calendar year.  Not having the proper license for operating such vehicles is very serious and will not be tolerated.


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Vehicles Currently in the Vehicle Pool Inventory:


Quantity in Fleet

Vehicle Description

Vehicle ID Numbers

Required DMV Issued License

License Restrictions


10 Passenger Mini-Van


Class C


2 4 Passenger Electric Golf Cart   Class C None




2 Passenger Electric Golf Cart



Class C



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Additional Information for Use of the Electric Golf Carts/Vehicles:

  • We currently do not have a 29 passenger bus.
  • The 10-passenger vans are only for transporting people, not equipment or other items.
  • The driver is responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle.
  • Electric golf carts are not licensed to be driven off campus on public roads.
  • Obey all traffic regulations. Do not drive with excessive speed. Observe all stop signs. Slow down for speed bumps. Keep arms and legs inside the cart when the vehicle is moving. Yield to all pedestrians.
  • Only the person authorized by a department supervisor may operate these vehicles.
  • At all times, drive on the streets. Use of sidewalks for these vehicles is prohibited unless no other means of access is available.
  • Vehicles may not be driven in covered walkways (arcades), other pedestrian walkways, or brick patios.
  • Parking shall not block, impede, or disrupt the flow of pedestrians or vehicle traffic.
  • Park on hard surfaces (e.g., concrete, asphalt). Do not park on soft surfaces (e.g., landscape, lawn, unpaved surfaces, tanbark covered areas).
  • Vehicle occupancy is limited to the number of seats in the vehicle. Loads must be properly secured. Seat belts, if available, must be worn.  No person shall ride in the bed of a golf cart.
  • Remove the keys when not is use.
  • Vehicles must be returned to the appropriate charging station and plugged in at the end of the day.

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Use of Personal Vehicle for College Business:

Any faculty or staff member using a personal vehicle for transporting students or for College related business errands, must be on the College’s Approved Driver List.  You should know that your personal insurance is the primary coverage and the College’s insurance is secondary. If you are not an approved driver listed on the current College’s Approved Driver List, there will be no secondary coverage by the College’s insurance (you may not be covered).

All students and staff are required to take a driver safety course in addition to filling out the Autorized Driver Approval form. Students are required to take the driver safety course annually.  Staff and faculty only once.

  1. Go to the Web site
  2. Click the gray Login button on top right of Web page.  Login to EduRisk if you have an account.  If you are a new user, click the Register Here button located below the Password field and above the Submit button.  Register by filling out the online form to create a username and password account.  Pick a Department of your choice and pick Learning Link for the type of Subscription.  The College’s address is 1928 Saint Mary’s Road, Moraga, CA  94575.  Once you click Register, the system will send you a link via e-mail.  Follow the link to create your password.  The College's institutional code (if needed) is 3697-SC37-XY12.  The code must be entered exactly this way with the dashes included.
  3. When logged in, click Training Tools on top of the page then look for course/topic - "Driver Safety Training” and click the Get Started button, then the Play arrow on the video screen.
  4. In the Higher Ed Staff and Students category, begin your online course by clicking the Preview Driver Safety Training button.

Be sure to go to the end of the course and follow directions for logging off.  You must also submit to Facilities a Motor Vehicle Release form.  The form will then be processed through the College's insurance carrier.  The individual can check back with Facilities in 5-10 days to see if they have been approved.

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Renting Vehicles for College Related Business:

If College-owned vehicles are not available or if you need additional vehicles for your College-related business or activity, you may rent them from a rental agency.  Please note, however, that all College Policies related to vehicle use and safety as outlined in this Vehicle Fleet Policy, the Staff Handbook, as well as the Vehicle Code for the State of California are all in effect and enforceable.  You are expected to abide by all policies and procedures.  If you are not properly licensed and approved through the College’s insurance carrier to drive a College-owned vehicle then you are not permitted to rent a vehicle for College use.  Because of insurance coverage limitations, College owned vehicles and rented vehicles may not be driven outside the United States.  When renting vehicles it is not necessary to purchase the additional insurance offered by the rental company.

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Additional Information Related to Accidents:

As explained in the Staff Handbook (November 2007), In the State of California, it is the vehicle driver’s responsibility, if an accident involves death or personal injury or more than $750.00 damage to a car or property, to report the accident within five (5) days to the Department of Motor Vehicles.  You can download an Accident Form from their website:

All accidents must be reported to Campus Safety (631-4282) and Administrative Services (631-4571) immediately upon returning to the campus.  If you are on a trip and not returning to the campus for several days, or if there are injuries or the vehicle is unusable, you must immediately (or as soon as it is safe to) telephone these departments to provide information on the situation. 

Additional Vehicle use policy information may be found in the Saint Mary’s College Staff Handbook (November 2007), pages 71 & 72.
Some examples of reasons why van requests may not be honored are:

  • The van available for a high mileage trip (to San Diego, or Colorado) is not in good enough condition for that type of a trip and suitable vans are already reserved.
  • The department or group does not have a properly licensed driver for the vehicle being driven.
  • The group requesting a van is not going to be accompanied by a SMC faculty or staff member.
  • Trips into Mexico cannot be accommodated since insurance will not cover the vans.
  • Someone from the group, team or organization violated the Vehicle Pool Use Policy (ie. transferred keys to another driver) and lost the privilege to use the vehicles on behalf of everyone.
  • Vans are out of service for repairs.
  • Requests for three or more vans for any extended period may be adjusted since it leaves few vans available for campus use.


Attachment Size
Authorized Driver Form (MVR) 58.95 KB
Vehicle Maintenance Policy and Services Recommendations 93.43 KB